
Created: 25 February 2024, 21:19:37 EST
Last updated: 20 April 2024, 17:10:05 EDT


Varius is the name of the planet that the Ignatto species lives on. They inhabit all of the lands, and even some of the great ocean.  Varius is about half the size of the Earth, or about the size of Mars. The planet orbits a single star and is in the habitale zone. Two moons orbit Varius. The atmosphere has a reddish tint to it and the air is somewhat thick.


On Varius, there is only one continent. This continent is split into 7 different territories. Most of the land is desert. There are smaller landmasses scattered around the continent, Ignatto unaffiliated to one of the 7 factions form there own little groups across the islands.